Transcribed by Carol Metcalfe
from the original document held at West Yorkshire Archives
In the name of God Amen I John Seward of Swetton in the Countie of Yorke yeoman Being weake in Body but sound in Minde and perfecte memorie praised be Almightie God for the same Butt calling to mind the uncertaintie of this transittorie Life and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to Call And minding to sett in order my worldly Estate and such things as it hath pleased god Farr Above my Diserts to bestow upon me in this world Do make and Ordaine this my Last will and Testament The first Day of March in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred seventie and eight as in manner and forme following Revoaking and Anulling by these presents and making voyd all other will and wills and Testament and Testaments by me Formerly made and Ordained and this only to be taken for my last will and Testament and None other and the first and Above all things I Give and bequeath my soule to God my maker hoping to be saved by the Death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer and My body to be Buried in Christian Burriall And as for my worldly Estate I Give and bequeath as Followeth
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Thomas Seward my eldest sone all the money Goods household stuff and other things which he now hath in his owne Name and profession which are now upon the Farms which I or he holds under mtrs [mrs?] Horsman of Rippon widdow or mtrs Stanhopp in the sayd Countie of Yorke And also two parts of all my sheep in thre parts to be divided upon Condition that the sayd Thomas my sone shall pay unto Penelope my wife and unto my two daughters one halfe of all such sume or sums of Money as I have hearafter in this my will Given unto them and at such time or times as is hearafter Nominated and set downe.
Item I do Give and bequeath unto George Seward my younger sone all my Right title Tenant Right and Interest which I have in all my Lands and Tenements in Swetton which I now Live on and also all my Goods both Quick and Dead which I now have of my sayd Lands and in my owne possession and one third part of all my sheep which I have upon Condition that the sayd George Seward shall pay unto Penelope my wife and my two daughters one other halfe part of all such sume or sums of money as I have hearafter in this my will Given unto them and at such time or times as is hearafter Nominated and sett downe
Item I Give unto the sayd Penelope my wife three pounds in the year During her Naturall Life in Lien of her Dower and Right of her widow part of all my Lands and Goods whatsoever
Item I Give unto Jane my Daughter Fower pounds more besides that I have all ready Given her in full of her filliall part and Child portion to be payd within one year after my Decease or as soon after as she shall Come to Demand the same
Item I Give and bequeath unto Mary Seward my Daughter twentie pounds as her Filliall part or Child portion to be payd unto her within one year after my Decease and her ……..two years after my Decease And I Do hearby Nominate and Apoynt the sayd Thomas and George my two sons Joynt Executors of this my Last will and Testament to whom I do hearby Give and bequeath all the rest of my Goods in this my will unbequeathed after my Debts payd and funeral expenses Discharged In witness hearof I have hear unto sett my hand and seale this Day and year Above written
Sealed Published and Declared John Seward [marks]
In the Sight and presence of uss
Thomas Holdsworth [signs]
William Horsman [marks]
Sammuell Wilson Jun [signs]
[John SEWARD was Father of George SEWARD of Graygrete and Grandfather of Isabel PICKERSGILL neé SEWARD]
If this article has been of interest to you or you have connections to the people or properties mentioned please contact Carol Metcalfe