Will made 1746, proved 1748
Transcribed by Carol Metcalfe from the original document held at West Yorkshire Archives
In the Name of God amen I George Umpleby of Carlles More in the County of York yeoman being in Good health of body and of Sound and perfect mind and memory praised be therefore Given to almighty God do make and ordain this my present Last will and testament in Manner and form following that is to Say first and principally I command my Soul into the hands of almighty God Hoping through the merits Death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins and to inherit Everlasting Life and my body I commit to the Earth to be Decently Buried att Discretion of my Executor hereafter named and as touching the disposition of all Such Temporal Estate as it hath pleased almighty God to bestow upon me I Give and dispose there of as followeth
First I will that my Debts and funereral Charges Shall be paid and discharged
Item I make my Son George Umpelby my Executor of my Dwelling houses barnes and Lands and all appurtances belonging there to which I now nominate: first the Whay Rigges West Birk Cloase and East Birk Cloase and Back Cloase and garthes and one Cowgate in Carlsmoore pasture
Item I Give unto my Son Thomas Umpelby one Shilling
Item I Give unto my Son William Umpelby twenty pounds
Item I Give unto my daughter Catheran Dallow the Sum of thirteen pounds which She had Seven pound paid her which makes twenty
Item I Give unto my daughter Mary Harrison the Sum of twenty pounds
Item I Give unto my daughter Dorithy the Sum of twenty pounds and all my household Goods att my decease to dispose of them att her will and pleasure
And as for my Executor to these Legacies to be paid after my Decease not till one year and one day be Expired and I do hereby Revoke disannul and make Voide all former Wills and testaments by me here to fore made in Witness I the Said George Umpelby to this my Last Will hath Sett my hand and Seal aprill the twelve day: 1746
And as for my wife Mary She is to be paid forty Shillings by my Executor yearly after my deceas and as for my Sons and daughters they are to be paid teen pounds one year after my deceas and the other teen pounds one year after the decease of my wife all but My daughter Catheran Dallow and She is but to be paid three pounds at the first payment
In Wittness where of I have Sett my hand and Seal the day and year above mentioned
George Umpelby [marks]
William Scot [marks]
Anthony Wood [signs]
If this article has been of interest to you or you have connections to the people or properties mentioned please contact Carol Metcalfe